BIO 192 - Worksheet #7

BIO 192 - Worksheet #7
Intro to Plants, Fungi, Plant Origins and Adaptations

1. What is the five-kingdom classification scheme? Name and describe two alternative schemes of classification.

a) Are fungi eukaryotic or prokaryotic?
b) In terms of fungal cellular structure, the cell wall is composed of _________________.
c) Give an example of a unicellular fungus.
d) Describe the structure of multicellular fungi.
e) In terms of nutrition, fungi are considered _________________ . What does this mean?
f) Specifically, how do fungi obtain their nutrients?

3. Dr. Baskin mentioned two general categories of fungi. What are they? What is the difference between the two?

4. Fungi do not have a _________________ . In this regard, fungi are more closely related to _________________ than to _________________ .

a) What kingdom do algae belong to?
b) What specific group of green algae are most likely the ancestors to plants?
c) What are 11 traits that seem to corroborate part b?
d) What are two major distinctions between plants and the group described in part b?

6. Complete the following chart by placing an X where the following characteristics apply to the groups of organisms listed:

Multicellular Embryo Vascular Tissues Seeds Flowers
Green Algae Ancestors . . . .
Mosses . . . .
Ferns . . . .
Gymnosperms . . . .
Angiosperms . . . .