BIO 192 - Worksheet #8

BIO 192 - Worksheet #8
Plants Adaptations, Mosses and Ferns

1. List 9 adaptions plants developed for life on land.

2. In plants, when a diploid cell undergoes mitosis, it produces two diploid cells .
a) When a haploid cell undergoes mitosis, it produces ____________________________.
b) When a diploid cell undergoes meiosis, it produces ____________________________.
c) Formation of gametes results from mitosis or meiosis?
d) Sexual reproduction in plants requires mitosis or meiosis?
e) In the sporic life cycle, the gametophyte is __________________ and produces _________________ which are haploid by the process of _________________ .
f) In the sporic life cycle, the sporophyte is __________________ and produces _________________ which are haploid by the process of _________________ .

3. List 8 general characteristics of mosses.

a) Draw a diagram of a fern. Label the following in your diagram: frond, roots, blade, rhizome, pinna, stipe.
b) What is a sorus and what are its components? Draw a diagram to illustrate.

5. In the sporic life cycle of a fern, a sporophyte which is _________________ undergoes _________________ to produce 4 haploid _________________ which eventually are taken by the wind and land on trees and soil. They germinate, grow, and undergo _________________ to produce a gametophyte which is _________________. A female gametophyte has gametangia called _________________ whereas a male gametophyte has gametangia called _________________. The gametangia of the gametophytes produce _________________ which are _________________ via the process of _________________ . These unite to form a zygote which is _________________. The zygote grows and matures by means of _________________ to become a mature sporophyte and cycle begins again!

6. List 8 general characteristics of ferns.

a) What chapter in the text discusses mosses and ferns?
b) What pages in the text contain nice diagrams of the moss and fern life cycles?

8. Compare and contrast mosses and ferns. (5 similarities and 3 differences!)