BIO 192 - Worksheet #9

BIO 192 - Worksheet #9
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

1. Define the following:
a) pollination –
b) fertilization –
c) seed –
d) pollen grain –
e) pistil –
f) stamen –
g) corolla –
h) calyx –

2. Flower parts are just modified what?

3. In both gymnosperms and angiosperms, the pollen provides two sperm.
a) What is the fate of each sperm during fertilization in gymnosperms?
b) What is the fate of each sperm during fertilization in angiosperms?

4. Name at least 5 examples of gymnosperms.

5. What is the main difference between the spores of gymnosperms/angiosperms and the spores of mosses/ferns?

6. During the second spring of gymnosperm reproduction, the _______________ cell (haploid or diploid?) of the male gametophyte undergoes _____________ to form the stalk cell (haploid or diploid?) and the ________________ (haploid or diploid?). The body cell (haploid or diploid?) divides by _______________ to form two ____________ (haploid or diploid?). The tube cell reaches the ____________________ and the sperm are released. When a sperm unites with the egg, a(n) ______________ (haploid or diploid?) forms and it undergoes ___________________ to become a multicellular embryo. Food for the embryo is provided by the _____________________.

7. During which season (1st spring, 2nd autumn, etc.) of gymnosperm reproduction does each event occur?
a) pollination –
b) seed dispersal –
c) fertilization –
d) megaspore mother cell forms 4 megaspores –
e) three megaspores die –

8. Draw a typical angiosperm and label the following parts: receptacle, ovary, style, stigma, anther, filament, petal, ovule, sepal, and peduncle.

9. Label the following parts of an angiosperm’s female gametophyte:

a) How many cells are contained here?
b) How many nuclei?
c) What structure undergoes mitosis to form the female gametophyte?
d) The antipodals are the remains of what?
e) The synergids are the remains of what?
f) Where does the pollen tube enter the female gametophyte?
g) Which structures die after fertilization?

10. What is the function of the endosperm? Are the cells of the endosperm haploid, diploid, or triploid?

11. Look at the structures below. In the life cycle of seed-producing plants, where would you find the male form of the starred structures?

a. seed
b. embryo sac
c. ovary
d. pollen grain

12. Do ferns and mosses have pollen?

13. Why are seeds of gymnosperms “naked”?

14. Match each structure to the correct function:
_____ roots
_____ seeds
_____ secondary growth of stems
_____ cuticle
_____ pollen grain

a. dispersal of offspring
b. reduce water loss
c. protection of male gametophyte
d. increase in diameter
e. absorb water and minerals

15. Draw and label a mature and an immature male gametophyte of a gymnosperm:

16. True or false:
_____ Integument becomes the seed coat.
_____ Megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce a female gametophyte.
_____ Zygote undergoes meiosis to produce the embryo.
_____ Microsporocyte undergoes meiosis to produce sperm.
_____ Mosses produce seeds but do not have fruits.
_____ The embryo sac in angiosperms is actually the mature female gametophyte.
_____ Endosperm would only be found in angiosperm seeds.