Annie Woods
Phone: 266-8127
Kevin Hong
Phone: 219-2094
Course Coordinator:
Dr. William S. Cohen
Office: BS 115A
Phone: 257-1030
Office Hours: T-F, 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Meeting Time:
Section 001 - Tuesdays 5:00PM - 7:00PM in BS 108
Section 002 - Wednesdays 5:00PM - 7:00PM in BS 205
Course Description:
This course is designed to accompany Principles of Biology II (BIO 152). All worksheets and other activities selected for this class will supplement BIO 152 lecture materials, and are designed to improve student understanding and appreciation of the concepts presented in lecture. The majority of the activities will be performed in a group setting with an emphasis on collaborative learning.
Class Expectations:
Students are expected to attend all BIO 152 lectures, to read all assigned portions of the text, and to review relevant material prior to coming to the workshop. All worksheets must be handed in the week following the exercise. Workshop activities are designed to reinforce the concepts covered in lecture as well as to encourage students to become proficient in the interpretation of experimental data. Collaborative learning is dependent on all students being prepared and fully participating in all activities.
Attendance: Attendance is required! If an absence is unavoidable, one of the facilitators must be notified as soon as possible. Absences will be excused in accordance with University guidelines, and must be accompanied by a written note from a doctor or other appropriate official. Staying for only a portion of a workshop session, without a valid excuse, will be considered an unexcused absence. Students should make arrangements with instructors in courses with common hour exams for a make-up. Missing a workshop session to take a common hour exam will be considered an unexcused absence.
BIO 192 will be graded on a pass/fail basis (one credit for a pass). A passing grade will be awarded to a student when all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
(1) No more than two unexcused absences.
(2) Cooperative participation in all activities.
(3) Completion and submission of all worksheets and in-class activities.
NOTE: Workshop students must be concurrently enrolled in the BIO 152 lecture course.