2. The main components of xylem in gymnosperms, ferns, and a few primitive angiosperms include:
a) vessel member cells
b) parenchyma
c) guard cells
d) trichomes
e) companion cells
f) if none of the above are correct OR if there are any components missing in the above answer choices, provide the correct or missing component(s) in the blank below:
3. The main components of phloem include:
a) vessel member cells
b) parenchyma
c) guard cells
d) trichomes
e) companion cells
f) if none of the above are correct OR if there are any components missing in the above answer choices, provide the correct or missing component(s) in the blank below:
a) Draw an individual vessel member cell. Are these cells dead or alive? What is the function of pits and perforation plates?
b) Draw a tracheid. Are they dead or alive? What is the function of pits?
a) What is the food-conducting component of phloem tissue?
b) Does this component contain a nucleus? Why is it important whether this component has a nucleus or not?
6. Answer TRUE or FALSE. If the answer is FALSE, indicate why.
a) ___ Only young herbaceous plants have an epidermis.
b) ___ Epidermis consists of parenchyma cells.
c) ___ Living epidermal cells contain both a primary and a secondary cell wall.
d) ___ Guard cells and trichomes are two types of specialized cells of the epidermis.
e) ___ Stinging nettle and carnivorous plants have glandular hairs.
f) ___ A root fiber is a type of trichome.
a) What is meristem?
b) According to Dr. Baskin, what are the four things that occur thanks to meristems?
c) What do the cute names of SAM and RAM stand for?
a) How can one determine the age of a twig?
b) What page in the text did Dr. Baskin ask you to read in order to learn various differences between monocots and dicots?
9. The figure below is a cross section of:
a. dicot stem with secondary growth
b. dicot stem with no secondary growth
c. monocot stem
d. stem apical meristem
e. root apical meristem
a) Label the following diagram of this young woody stem. (Figure is not to scale!)
b) The figure above lacks epidermis and cortex. Why?
c) When burning a log in the fireplace, what specific part of the stem is mainly being burned?
d) What is girdling? Why is it detrimental to the plant?
a) When counting the rings of a tree, what specific part of the stem are you actually counting?
b) What is spring wood and summer wood? What makes them different?
c) What are the characteristics of sapwood and heartwood? Which would make for better, sturdier (and prettier) furniture?
12. Fill in the following flow chart.